Saturday, April 28, 2007


"I'm not religious in the normal sense... I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws."
-- Stephen Hawking. "Stephen Hawking prepares for weightless flight,", 26 April 2007.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Virtual Tivoization?

"Our virtualization features can also encapsulate components that are under the GPL open-source license protecting valuable company IP from the obligation to publish source code"
-- Steve Subar, CEO and Co-Founder of Open Kernel Lab. "Commercial version of NICTA open source L4 real time kernel released,", 17 April 2007.

The path to learning

"In my job, it's important not to be arrogant, not to be afraid to ask questions and say you don't know. How else can you learn?"
-- Keith Floyd. "A dash of Floyd," The Sunday Star, 22 April 2007.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A girl who knows her priority

"Tennis is only a little game, that's all. I hope people don't look at tennis players like me and think we aren't connected with life outside tennis. We do watch the news, we do see what's going on and we do care. I know that tennis isn't the most important thing,"
-- Maria Sharapova. "Sharapova still haunted by Chernobyl," Telegraph Group Ltd, 10 April 2007.

The ultimate reason for making money

"The coolest thing about making money is that you are able to give back... You have the opportunity to help people. You can only buy so many cars, so many houses, so many dresses and so many pairs of shoes, but it's not going to make you happy. But helping to save lives is incredible. I can't even begin to explain how amazing that is."
-- Maria Sharapova. "Sharapova still haunted by Chernobyl," Telegraph Group Ltd, 10 April 2007.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's all in the semantics

The word semantics is used by different groups to mean different things.
-- Tim Berners-Lee on Semantic Web. "Q&A with Tim Berners-Lee,", April 9, 2007. Hopefully Semantic Web itself could unlock its own meaning...

The New Republic

"What we have today is government of the people, by the flunkies, for the corporations."
-- Richard Stallman on Trusted Computing (what he called 'Treacherous Computing'), "GPLv3 - Transcript of Richard Stallman from the fifth international GPLv3 conference, Tokyo, Japan"